Wednesday 25 April 2018

Halloween story: The Spot

T H E   S P O T

We were waiting at  a cold small and dark room, I started looking at the walls and realized that the pictures that were hanging were photos of people in our school, but before I could even think about what was going on the door opened and a small old little man came in, everything was so weird, I suddenly remembered why we came and how the day started just like any other one.

It was a Friday like any other, as always we were hanging out during recess at our spot, the left corner of the playground. Just like every other day, the boys were playing football and suddenly one of them, Anibal, kicked the ball so hard that it ended up in the neighbor's garden. 

They asked us to look and check if we could see it, but to our amazement, when we looked through the little holes in the wall we saw an eye staring at us. I could not believe what was happening, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I told all my fiends but they just laughed at me and no one believed me. I felt terrified and alone, but my curiosity was too overwhelming to think straight. That afternoon, when school finished, Anibal asked me to go with him to get the ball back and I felt like I couldn’t say no.

When we got there, we found out that there wasn't a bell at the door so we just knocked on it. An old lady let us in and after we explained why we were there, she told us to wait at a strange little room for her husband to arrive. I could tell that she was looking at us with a weird look in her eyes, she made me feel a bit suspicious but my thoughts vanished when that creepy little man asked us what we were doing there, and here we are now sitting in this old grubby sofa.

We told him why we were there, but he seemed not to have heard and instead he invited us to have some drinks with him. We were very confused about the whole situation but we agreed, since we really needed to get our ball back.

He led us to the kitchen. Everything in this house was out of ordinary-the little sofa room, the pictures hanging on the walls… when we arrived to the kitchen, we found a massive walk-in fridge, we went in to take something to eat but suddenly the door closed. We tried to open it but it was locked.

Already 2 hours had gone by, I was stressing out so badly. It seemed like we were in the worst of our bad dreams. The room that was supposedly a big fridge was dark and quiet, we were freezing, and I felt like we weren’t alone.

Anibal started crying like crazy, I tried to tell him that everything was going to be okay, that it all had a logical explanation, but it really didn’t, I really thought we were being victims of some kind of crazy psychopath and that we weren’t likely to survive.

Suddenly, a smell started filling the room and before I could react I passed out, someone was trying to knock us out, to hurt us, to kill us.

I woke up to Anibal shouting my name. I opened my eyes and I saw him staring at me with the most terrified look. I realized there was light in the room, someone had turned the lights on. I got up and looked around me, I couldn’t believe what I was looking at, it was the most horrific, disgusting and creepy scene: there were around 20 dead bodies laid all across the floor. None of them had eyes, they had dry dripping blood all over them.

I just didn’t know how to react, I really didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know how much time had gone by, I didn’t have my phone on me and Anibal was having an anxiety attack so I couldn’t express my worries to him because he would get worse. 

I don’t know how much time had already gone but the door suddenly opened and the old man came in. He stared at us for seconds that felt like hours. When we could react, we both ran out of the house as fast as we could until we got to my house. 

It was already ten o’clock at night. When we opened the door, we found my parents talking to the police. My mom had  watery eyes and my dad seemed out of this world, he had a lost look.

When they saw me they busted into tears and hugged us. I couldn't even talk, I was paralyzed. My parents and the police kept asking questions. They didn’t know where we had been all this time and felt so frustrated that I couldn’t answer that I kept crying. Anibal’s parents came to pick him up. I still couldn’t talk.

I couldn’t talk for the next few weeks, I would spend the whole day in bed just thinking and thinking about what had happened  until one day I woke up crying and calling my mom. She came to my room as fast as possible and hugged me until I stopped crying. I then started to tell her the whole story. She then called the police, and they asked me a ton of questions about what happened.

We received no information for them for months until one day they called and told my mom to go the the police station. When she came home she was pale as a paper, she came into my room and said something I will never forget: “We are going to have to take you to the doctor’s, sweetheart. Something isn’t right.”

A. Herrero and A. Oller

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