Wednesday 25 April 2018

Halloween Story: Cold

This is becoming a bit of a tradition at school now. Students write horror stories set at school. This year, our 4º ESO students have written the following stories. Enjoy! 


“It was cold. Normally, winters were really chilly, but this was different. It was colder than normal, everyone in the playground was freezing and looking for the only rays of sun that were not blocked by the clouds. Mr July whistled, thank God, for the first time it was better to be in class than outside. We had just finished watching the film with Theodora. It was really freaking weird, I don’t know where she got these films from. It was about a teen our age that committed suicide after his friends beat him up in a game at school. As I already said, really weird. 

It was cold, normally winters were really chilly, but this was different. It was colder than normal, everyone in the playground was freezing and looking for the only rays of sun that were not blocked by the clouds. The first class was Maths, with Mary Joseph. Logarithms were really hard. Then we heard the bell, it was recess time, finally, I know it was cold but Maths was excessively boring. Even the cold was better than Maths class. Everyone went outside, me and my friends played soccer, as usual. 

It was cold, normally winters were really chilly, but this was different. It was colder than normal, everyone in the playground was freezing and looking for the only rays of sun that were not blocked by the clouds. We had P.E., but we couldn’t play outside because they were painting half of the soccer field, so we went to the gym. It was boring, I hated P.E. when we needed to go to the gym. 

It was cold, normally winters were really chilly, but this was different. It was colder than normal, everyone in the playground was freezing and looking for the only rays of sun that were not blocked by the clouds. Recess time, but they were painting the other half of the field, so we couldn't play a match. One of us suggested to play a new game, it was called the “marcha”, it was a soccer game played in only one soccer net, whoever scored first won, and the last one to score would have to be hit “lightly” by every player. This time he didn’t score so you already know what happened.

It was cold, normally winters were really chilly, but this was different. It was colder than normal, everyone in the playground was freezing and looking for the only rays of sun that were not blocked by the clouds. Same as yesterday, normal classes, English exam, logarithms, literature stories and half of the court being still painted today. So we played the same game as yesterday, and he lost again. He didn't like the game, and do you know this feeling when you know that something is not ok? Well I had that feeling that day, around this boy that lost yesterday I would say that he was not ok.

It was cold, normally winters were really chilly, but this was different. It was colder than normal, everyone in the playground was freezing and looking for the only rays of sun that were not blocked by the clouds. I had a project but I didn’t do it. I had done this project together with him but he wasn’t here, that day he hadn’t come to class.

Today is not cold, the sun is shining and there are no clouds at all. I am happy, today there are no exams and everyone is happy. Today my mom had to go to work early, so she brought me earlier than normal to school, I was the first one to arrive. Today this kid came, but he could not do the project, because he was dead. I arrived and when I got to the playground, I found him hanged from a basket.

E. Méndez and E. Miranda

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